my cases
(Partial List)
Z v. Z. On behalf of the wife, seeking equitable distribution and lifetime spousal support in a complex ultra-high income multijurisdictional matrimonial action. Conducted discovery in multiple U.S. and foreign jurisdictions.
B.H. v. H., (reported). On behalf of the wife, sought child support and equitable distribution of family-owned multinational businesses in a complex high net worth, international matrimonial action.
BNDA v. MGM, (reported). A complex international matrimonial action. Successfully bifurcated property division, child support, spousal support, and child custody issues between a foreign court and the New York court on the ground of forum non conveniens.
B v. H, (reported). Successfully obtained a declaratory judgment to declare that a Chinese divorce judgment was invalid due to ineffective service of process pursuant to the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents.
H v. P. Successfully obtained personal orders of protection for the mother and child in Michigan and Beijing; facilitated the father’s domestic violence criminal conviction and deportation from the United States; and obtained 60-40 marital property distribution in favor of the mother.
Yuan v. Chan. Represented a child, who was physically and sextually abused at home and in the church, in an integrated domestic violence matrimonial action between the undocumented immigrant parents.
P v. P. Represented the immigrant wife in an arranged marriage. Successfully obtained financial support for the wife from the husband and his parents pursuant to state law and federal immigration law.
K v. N. Successfully obtained the client's divorce from an abusive spouse and secured her legal immigration status in the United States.
K v. S. Successfully obtained an anullment of marriage on the ground of fraud and recovered some of the client's funds from the "husband".
The Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (HCCH 1980 Child Abduction Convention) Cases
F v. H. Successfully located two children that had been abducted from a South American country to Michigan for nearly two years. Successfully secured the left-behind parent’s rights of access pursuant to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
S v. B (reported). Successfully secured the return of a child wrongfully retained in New York to Quebec, Canada pursuant to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
Attorney General v. M.M., (reported) . Successfully obtained the return of two children, who were abducted from a South American country to New York and then to the Caribbeans, through legal actions and diplomatic channels pursuant to the Inter-American Convention on the International Return of Children and the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
S v. B. (reported). The district court’s decision set the precedent for awarding counsel fees at the prevailing market rate for low bono legal representation pursuant to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The decision has increased the availability of sophisticated legal services to left-behind parents, who have limited financial resources but are not qualified for legal aid or pro bono representation.
Non-Hague Convention Cases
W v. W. Successfully located two children abducted from Beijing to the United States.and secured the left-behind parent’s rights of access. Provided written expert testimonies on Chinese law.
M. v. M. Negotiated a settlement agreement on divorce and child custody after the mother abducted the child to a non-Hauge Convention country.
F v. F. Represented the mother in her petition for relocation with the children from New York to another state. Secured the relocation through settlement.
B v. C. Negotiated modifications of parenting agreement on behalf of the mother.